hey guys, Pedro here and I have bad news.
I’ll keep brief but. I’m sorry to announce that “Sherbet” it’s probably canceled. And all art (Ex: Waning) will be put on an indefinite hiatus.
some context. As of Feb 19. My grandpa died. He had been in and out of the hospital for a while and he just died. I was at that hospital for 5 days straight. It was the hardest week of my life. I’m lucky I was there to see him pass. After all of that I’ve not been felling too hot. I’ve been depressed and I find it difficult to hold a pen. I tried to work through it, and managed to squeeze out about 4ish pages afters all said and done. But yeah. I’m just gonna stop for a while. I might still be active on twitter and tumblr but I’m just sad. I could’ve maybe be working this month, but the funeral is soon and I would be working the weeks leading up to it (family stuff yknow) I’m sorry if this got too real. I just wanted to let yall know. I’m sorry sherbet won’t be finished in time for the contest. I was really excited to show it. Oh well that’s just how it goes. I’m
hope you do better man